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The world is such an interesting yet ambiguous home where anything can happen at any time. Helen Adams Keller, an American author once said, “ Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it.” Sometimes what often happens are good news but we certainly cannot always stop or avoid bad news, and when such happens it is in overcoming the bad news that makes life much more meaningful, which in China, a perfect concept would be “阴阳☯”.


My name is Emmanuel Arthur-Nyamekye, and I’m a forth year medical student, and the Vice-president of the International students union at Hubei University of Science and Technology (HBUST). In this article, I am going to tell you about how China has been able to stay strong and positive, even during the outbreak of COVID-19, as well as the love, care, encouragement and support China has granted to all residents regardless of your nationality as Chinese or a foreigner during this difficult period of time.


During this period of the outbreak, what impressed me the most and I’m sure the entire world agrees to this is: the way China implemented the most effective way of controlling any outbreak. We all know how large the geographical landmark of china is, and what is much more interesting is how the entire population were organized and made to stay indoors at home to prevent and control the spread of the virus.


Now, while we are staying indoors, the leaders of my school (HBUST), gives us the optimum care, love, and literally treats as such that we feel very relaxed, and comfortable. If I am to mention every single support given to us during this period, I’m sure you would take days to finish this article. I personally sometimes forget there’s an outbreak except for the fact that I have to wear face masks, and keep all the safety measures. This is to show that, indeed we are well taken care of, and if there’s a better way of commending and appreciating the leaders of my school and China at large, I think they deserve it all.

(现在,当我们因为疫情不得不呆在室内时,我们学校(HBUST)给予我们最好的照顾和关爱,他们对我们的这种真实、深切的关爱和照顾使我们感到非常的放松和舒服。如果我要提及在此期间他们给予我们的每一项支持和帮助,我相信你会像我一样也会花费几天时间来完成这篇文章。除了我必须每天要戴口罩,采取各种安全防护措施,有时候我都忘记了疫情的存在。这充分显示我们确实得到了很好的照顾。 如果有更好的方式和语言来深深地表达对我们学校和中国政府领导的赞扬和感激,我认为他们值得世上所有美好的赞扬和感激的言辞!)

The famous author, Ada Adams’ saying that “ there is a light at the end of every tunnel” truly reminds us that this nightmare would soon or definitely come to an end. In correlation a popular Chinese saying which goes like “守得云开见月明”, which simply translates in meaningful English as “ watch till clouds part to see moonlight” also reminds as that troubles will always pass, and that hopefully and surely this viral outbreak will also pass.


By this, I urge everyone who by one or two reasons is afraid, sad, or weak that they should make strength as the number one option and stay strong in times like these because Bob Marley, a Jamaican singer-songwriter wasn’t wrong when he said “ You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice”, and that we are stronger than the virus and we shall defeat it. To the entire world let us not forget that indeed “there is light at the end of every tunnel” and wish each one another some words of encouragement “加油!”. 


·                                 (在此,我呼吁那些面对疫情害怕、难过甚至软弱到想放弃的人们:面对肆虐的病毒,你除了使自己变得更为坚强,没有第二条路可以选择!牙买加创作型歌手鲍勃·马利说得没错:不到没有退路时,你永远不知道自己有多么强大!我们每个人只有让自己变得比病毒更为强大,我们才能打败病毒!我要向全世界人们呼吁:让我们永远牢记每条隧道的尽头都是光明!让我们一起高呼起来:加油!世界加油!中国加油!武汉加油!我爱中国!)






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