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We Stand with China during This Tough Time


I am Mustajab(马思达)from Pakistan, I have been in China for three year, as a student of clinical medicine and surgery in Hubei University of Science and Technology in Xianning. It is situated above 100km away from Wuhan city. There is outbreak coronavirus epidemic in the month of last week of December, 2019.

我是来自巴基斯坦的Mustaja bullah,湖北科技学院临床医学专业的学生,已经在中国呆了三年。咸宁距武汉市100公里。 2019年的最后一个月爆发了冠状病毒。

For three years of my life, China is just like my own country. I feel very happy and very safe in China. China is my second homeland.


  During the outbreak of coronavirus epidemic which recently becomes pandemic, lots of people get infected. Chinese government and disease preventive department, premedical staff are co-working very hardly to get rid and control of this epidemic.


  First of all I would like to say that we are safe and sound here. Our university all leaderships  including our dean, head teachers and security staffs all who are busy day and night for our protections , for provision of over daily necessities. They also provide us basic health service like monitor over blood pressure, temperature, and also provide us disinfectant lots of masks, thermometers and gloves. They also provide us food stuff as we demand.

首先,我想说的是,我们在这里平安无事。 我们大学的所有领导,包括我们的系主任,校长老师和安全人员,都日夜忙于我们的安全防护,提供日常必需品。 他们还为我们提供基本的健康服务,例如监测血压,温度,还为我们提供大量口罩,温度计,手套等。 他们还根据我们的需求为我们提供,购买食品等。

  We appreciate of all leadership, dean, head teachers and university staffs, they keep contact 24/7 with students there. Their behavior towards the students are extremely polite, they are treating us as like their own children.


Finally I would like to give a message to all nations: don't be panic because the motility rate is significant low as compared to SARS, EBOLA and MERS. Everyone should adopt hygienic and preventive measures to avoid further spreading of diseases. We should cooparete with Chinese government and stand with China during this difficult time. Being a foreigner. it's our moral duty to stand with China through thick and thin.

最后,我想告诉所有国家不要惊慌,因为与SARSEBOLAMERS相比,死亡率非常低。每个人都应采取卫生和预防措施,以避免疾病进一步传播。 我们应该与中国政府合作,与中国站在一起,在这个作为外国人的艰难时期,与中国站在一起是我们的道义和责任。

  Avoid stress among families and friends, don't be panic, stay happy and healthy and best wishes for China.



                        Mustajabullah马思达和Salman maxx萨尔曼







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