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Witnessed the Best Nation

Witnessed  The Best  Nation

(亲眼见证了最好的国家----  中国)

Hello, I'm Irtaza Saeed from Pakistan currently studying Clinical Medicine in Hubei University of Science and Technology, Xianning, Hubei.

(大家好,我是来自巴基斯坦的伊塔查 ,目前就读于湖北科技学院临床医学专业。)

I've been in China from the last three years and experiencing the best time of my life.


 We were having our semester break and Chinese were doing preparations for Chinese New Year. Everything was fine and then all of a sudden, coronavirus outbreak emerged in one of the most beautiful cities of China, Wuhan which is the capital of Hubei.

(2019年的寒假,正是中国人准备过春节的时间。起初 一切看起来都很美好,突然之间在中国最美丽的城市之一湖北省的省会城市武汉爆发了新冠病毒肺炎疫情。)

It was the time, I had to witness one of the great  and responsible nations of the world. As the coronavirus was contagious and China had to put some great efforts as a nation to fight against this virus. Let's get straight into what China has done. But before that,let me tell you one thing for sure and that is only China can do this.

(这段时期,我亲眼见证了伟大中国的责任和担当。 由于新冠病毒肺炎具有传染性,。 我们这些留学生目睹了伟大中国为之斗争付出巨大的努力和牺牲,并且已经取得了控制疫情的主动权。 但是在此之前,请允许我告诉大家一件事:那就是只有中国才能做到这一切!)

As the coronavirus was contagious, the very first thing China had to do was to quarantine Wuhan and rest of the cities. There was a need to tell some precautionary measures to whole nation and guess what?  The whole China was ready to tackle this difficult time. All the people had  started to follow precautionary measures which were told by the Health Department of China and they had to quarantine themselves in their homes.

(由于冠状病毒具有传染性,中国做的第一件事就是将武汉与其他城市隔离, 同时通过各种新闻媒体对整个国家宣讲一些预防新冠病毒肺炎的知识和措施,通过政府部门采取与之抵抗的有效的举措。面对措手不及的疫情, 整个中国已准备好应对这一切了。 所有的人都开始采取中国卫生部的预防措施,自行在家中隔离。)

All the people were asked to avoid crowded places. All the markets of Wuhan along with most of the other cities were closed. The public vehicles were closed as well and all this was the beginning of quaratine period. The quarantine period was not the prison. It was the part of those efforts which were necessary to protect all of us. The food items and all the other daily life necessities were provided to people in their homes.

(所有人都要求避免去人群密集的地方。 从全中国采取封城举措开始,武汉以及其他大多数城市的所有市场均已关闭, 公共车辆也被停运。 隔离并不是关禁闭,这是保护我们所有人避免感染新冠病毒肺炎的必要措施。人们所需要的食物及其他日常生活必需品都有志愿者帮忙采购和提供。)

Now let's talk about those special people who have taken good care of us.We are almost 60foreigners in our university. Our university management and teachers have done marvellous efforts to protect all of us from this virus. We are provided with all the protectives gears ( masks, thermometers, disinfectant sprays, precautionary measures documents etc. ) by our university. The university has also provided us free meal coupons and other food items during this whole time. Whenever we need to buy something, our teachers are always here to buy that thing for us from outside. They put their life in danger on daily basis just to take good care of us. They don't want us to be infected by COVID-19. I heard once " Teachers are the spiritual parents " and I've witnessed that here in China. May my all teachers be blessed and stay safe. I want to salute them and want to say thank you to all of them.

(现在,我想给大家介绍那些专门照顾我们的老师。我们学校目前在校留学生60人。 自疫情爆发以来,我们学校从上至下至为保护我们所有人避免受这种病毒的感染而做出了巨大的努力。 我们学校为我们免费提供了所有抵抗疫情防护装备(口罩,温度计,消毒喷雾剂等)、免费的餐券和其他食品,同时我们还收到社会各界爱心人士牛奶、纯净水、零食、饮料等赠品。值班老师和志愿者老师们自己冒着被感染病毒的危险,每天为我们采购生活必需品和食物,只是为了降低我们被COVID-19病毒感染的风险,好好地保护和照顾我们! 我曾经听过老师是精神上的父母,我的中国老师们就应证了这一点。 在这里,我要向我们学校所有的老师表示我们这些留学生对他们的无比崇敬和感谢之情,祝福我们所有的老师每天幸福平安!)

In this difficult time, I stand firm with China. China is my second home. As of now, after the efforts of  more than a month, things are getting better and better here. I'm hopeful everything will get normal soon and China will be back to life. We will be able to see those crowded places again. We will be able to see smiles on those faces again. But during this entire period I've witnessed a responsible and a great nation. My prayers are with China.

Thank You China !

Thank You Chinese People !

Come On Wuhan !

Come On China !

(在此艰难的时刻,我坚定地支持我的第二故乡----中国! 到目前为止,经过一个多月的努力,这里的情况越来越好,咸宁已经持续10多天确诊和疑似患者0增长。 我相信一切都会很快恢复正常,中国会重获新生!我们将能够再次走进热闹的地方,融入到熙熙攘攘的人群中, 我们将能够再次看到人们脸上灿烂的笑容。 在此期间,我目睹了有责任有担当的伟大国家。 我一直为中国祈祷和祝福!)

( 谢谢中国!)






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