In accordance with Hubei University of Science and Technology Student Scholarship Award Regulation which states that academic performance accounts for 80%, the extra-curriculum activities 20%, International School sets down Comprehensive Rating Rules on extra-curriculum activities as follows:
一、总则: General Rule:
Comprehensive score is 20 points in total. Bonus points need to be based upon certificate of award or proof. University academic award will not be counted as bonus points. Minus points need to be based upon relevant valid materials, records, facts and evidence. The comprehensive score (20 points in total) covers the aspects of sports (7 points), labor (5 points), performance (5 points) and publicity (3 points).
二、 评分细则Scoring detailed rules
1. 体育总分(7分)SPORTS (7 points)
Sports athlete at university-level sports (1 point for each event). The maximum is 4 points;
Record-breaker in university-level sports events (4 points);
Champion (3 points);
Runner-up (2 points);
Third place (1 point);
All other winners (0.5 point).
Cheering leaders in university, department-level sports events ( 0.5 point). The maximum is 2 points.
If one athlete participates in a number of team competitions and get awards, only the highest ranking is counted; the same is also true of individual events.
The total score of sports is 7 points. Excessive points are not counted.
2. 劳动卫生(5分) LABOUR (5 points)
Cleaning Classrooms and dormitories in an acceptable way (2 points); Absence or refusal (1 point deducted);
Active participants in the logistic for department or university activities (0.5 point). The maximum is 2 points;
Every person in the dorm will be deducted 2 points if the dorm is blacklisted as unclean, and 4 points will be deducted if blacklisted twice. The score will be deducted from the total score of Labor until 0;
Finishing labor tasks assigned by department (0.5 points each time). The maximum is 2 points;
The highest score is 5 points, a minimum of 0 point, (the minimum is 0 point) and the excessive score will not be counted.
1) 演出活动:Performing Activities (the highest score :4 points):
Performing at university level ( 2 points);
Performing at department level (1 point);
The behind-the-scenes supporter (1 point).
First prize winners of the various competitions at the university -level ( 3 points);
Second prize winner (2 points);
Third prize winner (1 point);
Other winners (0.5 point);
The highest point (5 points);
All awards are based on certificates.
The highest score is not more than 5 points.
4. 宣传(3分) PUBLICITY (3 points)
1) 在校报上发表文章1篇记1分(只记第一作者)此项最高为3分;
Publishing in the university newspaper (1 point per each paper) (only the first author) .The maximum is 3 points;
2) 校广播台、院网站、青年快讯录用的稿件(除新闻稿以外),撰写人记0.5分,此项最高为3分;
The manuscripts, (except press releases) adopted by university radio stations, department website, and youth news bulletins (0.5 point);
3) 一学年内宣传总分为3分,超过不计入。
The total points for publicity in one academic year is 3.
三. 奖励加分情况 BONUS POINTS
The bonus points is directly counted into the overall score. The total score is 20 points, but the exceeding score will not be counted.
National scholarship winner (5 points);
2. 省级、市级三好学生加5分;
Provincial and municipal model students (3 points);
3. 获得校级三好学生、优秀学生干部加1分;
University model student (1 point); Outstanding student leaders (1 point).
4. 以上加分均以奖状、证书作为依据。获得其他奖励酌情加分;
The above bonus points are based on certificates. Other awards will be given certain points accordingly;
5. 在三级核心期刊上发表论文第一作者加10分,第二作者加4分;在省级或省级以上期刊发表论文第一作者加5分,第二作者加2分。
Publishing papers as the first author on the third-level core journal (10 points); the second author (4 points). Publishing papers in the provincial or above periodicals as the first author (5 points); the second author (2 points).
The points will be deducted from the total score until no scores can be deducted.
1. 院组织的大型活动如迎新晚会、毕业生晚会、校大型庆祝活动、学术讲座、团活动等,缺席一次者扣5分,请假者扣2分(病假除外);
Absence of department-organized activities such as welcome party for freshers, party for graduates, university celebration, academic lectures and group activities (5 points deducted each time);Students asking for leave (2 points deducted each time) (sick leave excepted);
2. 在校学习期间,未请假通宵不归者(校内住宿生)一次扣3分;
Staying outside for a whole night (3 points deducted each time);
3. 未经院系同意在校外租房者,经教育后搬回者,扣10分,不听劝告者扣20分;
Off-campus accommodation without the consent of the department (10 points deducted) if they move back after being educated, and (20 points deducted) if they do not listen to their advice;
4. 上课迟到一次扣0.5分,旷课1节扣1分;
The student late for class (0.5 points deducted each time); Absence from class (1 point deducted each time).
5. 星期日晚上讲评,缺席者扣2分 ;
Absentee on Sunday Evening Gathering (2 points deducted);
6. 在公寓有意损坏公物者,除按学校规处理外,还要扣5分;
Intentionally damaging public property in the dorm building. (5 points deducted);
7. 晚上10:00在寝室抽烟、喝酒、放音响、大声说话、打牌等影响他人休息行为者,一次扣2分。
After 10:00 p.m., smoking, drinking, playing loud music, speaking loudly, playing cards and other disturbing behaviors in dorm (2 points deducted.)
五、下列情况不允许参与奖学金的评选 The following situations are not allowed to participate in the scholarship selection.
1. 没有办理注册手续者Non-registration;
2. 受过警告以上处分者Serious warning or above;
3. 有较严重的责任事件者Bearing full responsibility for serious events;
4. 恶意拖欠学费者Owing fees without justification.
International School reserves the rights to the interpretation of above rules.
International School of HBUST
6th November, 2017